About Me

In a nutshell
My name is Brandi and I am a lifestyle blogger from Nashville, TN. I have spent a majority of my life living in Nashville with my husband. We met back in 2008 and got married shortly after in 2010. We moved away from Nashville in 2012 but ended up moving back in 2018 when our son was born. The purpose of this blog is to connect with other moms around the world and share my experiences with everyone. I truly hope you find my blog equally interesting, helpful, and entertaining.
Collaborate With Me
I am 100% open to collaborating with other bloggers, brands, or businesses. In the past I have accepted guest posts from bloggers and post sponsorships from local brands in the Nashville area. While I am open to guest posts I want to make sure the content on my site remains relevant to my readers. If you would like to share a guest post or discuss a possible post sponsorship, fill out the contact form below. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you!